Stephen Weaver Online Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision St Paul's, Blackfriars, City of London & Rye, East Sussex

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I am a qualified and experienced counsellor and psychotherapist previously based in Blackfriars and close to St.Paul's in the City of London and now working in Rye, East Sussex.

Welcome to my website.

I offer counselling, psychotherapy and supervision online or on the telephone.

You can find out more about online counselling here and about my privacy and digital policies here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or concerns you may have about working with me in this way.

This BBC News article helps to put therapy in context

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Stephen Weaver, MA BD Dipl.Psych. Dipl. Spvsn.

Counselling and Psychotherapy provide opportunities to talk in complete confidence and can transform problems into opportunities for personal growth.

Counselling is usually short-term with a specific goal. It is not about giving advice but about listening and helping people to find a better way of dealing with their problems.

Where a problem persists, psychotherapy explores issues in greater depth and involves longer-term work. It can help with the healing of old wounds and allow unrecognised qualities to emerge, which can change our lives.

As a therapist I try to be an effective listener, seeking to understand the world from your point of view and focussing on what is important for you. I offer a warm, safe and trusting space in which we can work together on making positive changes in your life.

I have worked in couple counselling, as a gay men's sexual health counsellor and as a counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor for Employee Assistance Programmes and in private practice. I work creatively with dreams, artwork, writing and photography and I also use Mindfulness techniques.

I take an inclusive, non-pathologising view of gender and sexuality and strive to respect and appreciate the vast array of gender, sexual and relationship diversities (GSRD).

I offer daytime and evening appointments, from Monday to Thursday.

I previously worked in two locations: in Blackfriars, near St. Paul's and in the centre of Rye, East Sussex.

I now offer counselling, psychotherapy and supervision online, via Zoom and by phone.

I work with men and women, individuals and couples, straight and gay, young and old.

With over 20 years' experience, I have helped over 1,000 clients!


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Some issues I work with

Anxiety and fear
Out of control behaviour
Creative blocks
Couple counselling
Decision-making and discernment
Faith conflicts
Gay sexuality and spirituality
Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity
Life in The City of London
Life crises
Midlife issues
Performing Arts
Relationship issues
Sex/Internet “addiction”



"I began counselling in a fairly depressed state, unable to make sense of various issues that were troubling me. Within six weeks I began to feel much more positive and had the resilience and self awareness needed to deal with things. Stephen was very skilful at getting to the heart of issues with a great deal of empathy and understanding".


" I can't tell you how instrumental you've been in helping me find solid ground, my self-worth, and remembering that my instincts are there to be trusted. I feel so much stronger since I came to you for the first time. You truly have helped me through one of the most unpleasant periods of my life and I am so grateful for that."

" I cannot thank you enough for the help you've given me. I understand myself so much better. I had been cynical about therapy at the beginning but within a few weeks, I realised it was already beneficial and I really cannot believe how far I've come."

"I would like to thank you again for your help in the past year. I appreciated your approach to never labelling my mental issues and focusing on a holistic approach. The dream analysis was also fundamental in my healing / learning process."

"I'd like to thank you very much. I have found you to be an enlightened and extremely intuitive person; our discussions and your guidance have been invaluable to me. "

"I came to Stephen after suffering a crisis in my marriage, when I was struggling to make sense of what was happening. Individual therapy has helped me to clarify my own thoughts and feelings during a very confusing time and I now feel more confident in my ability to find a resolution I'll be comfortable with. Even though this was a relationship problem, individual therapy has been enormously beneficial. Stephen provided a safe space to explore how I was responding to the situation, and knew how to ask exactly the right questions to help me better understand my needs moving forward."


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About Me

I was born in Warrington in 1960, went to school in Manchester and received degrees in English and theology from the Universities of Oxford and London.

I worked as a teacher before further studies, followed by 10 years' ministry as a priest in parishes, hospitals and university chaplaincy.

I was a counselling and psychotherapy client myself before training, first in couple counselling and then as a psychotherapist and supervisor.

For over 20 years I have worked in private practice as a counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor in London and Rye.

I have been registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) since 2002.

I receive regular supervision of my work, which is conducted in accordance with the Codes of Ethics and Practice of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

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  • Online and telephone therapy
  • Qualified, supervised psychotherapist
  • Over 20 years experience as counsellor
  • Transpersonal/Integrative psychotherapy
  • UKCP registered psychotherapist
  • ICO-registered for data protection
  • Faith and spirituality
  • Gay counsellor
  • Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity Issues
  • Supervision with individuals and groups
  • BUPA Service Provider
  • Previously based in Blackfriars
  • Now based in Rye, East Sussex


Ongoing Training

Recent and forthcoming Continuing Professional Development has covered the following areas of interest:

Conducting Online Counselling
Working with Waking Dreams
Attachment Styles in Relationships
Working with Narcissism
Working with Depression
Horticultural Therapy

I have wide experience of counselling Gender, Sex & Relationship Diversity

I am a registered as a psychotherapist with BUPA

What Are the Benefits of Online Counselling?


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As the UK comes out of lockdown, people have started returning to face-to-face therapy. For many, however, staying with online counselling, rather than going to a private practice, will remain the best option. Seeing a counsellor in Blackfriars or Rye or other parts of the UK is simply impossible for some people, while plenty of others simply prefer receiving personalised treatment from the comfort of their own home. 
If you are looking for relationship counselling, bereavement counselling, addiction counselling - or any other area you require help with - but aren’t sure if counselling over Zoom is for you, here are three reasons why you might prefer doing sessions virtually instead of heading to a private practice. 


  • Online Counselling is More Convenient

    Due to our busy schedules - work commitments, errands, childcare, etc. - travelling to and from a private practice once a week is often not viable. Online counselling allows you to be much more flexible with your timings and also ensures everyone can access counselling, such as people who cannot leave their home and/or live in rural areas. When it comes to relationship counselling in particular, doing sessions over Zoom means both parties can attend, even when they are in separate locations. 



  • Online Counselling is Less Intimidating

    If you are receiving counselling for the first time, the idea of sharing your problems with a stranger in an unfamiliar, face-to-face setting can feel scary, thereby preventing you from being able to properly open up to them. Being at home, on the other hand, will give you a certain level of comfort that is so important for counselling sessions. This is because speaking to me in a familiar environment such as your bedroom puts your mind at ease and ensures you aren’t intimidated by your surroundings, which in turn allows you to speak freely and properly engage with the issues you are facing. 


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  • Online Counselling Allows Greater Privacy

    For many people, it could be that they don’t want others to know they are receiving counselling for relationships, bereavement, addictions, or any other issue. You might feel a level of social embarrassment about counselling, and the idea of being seen heading to a counsellor’s office can put people off getting the help they need. That is why online counselling can be so beneficial: it gives you peace of mind that your counselling sessions are strictly private, observed only by you and your counsellor, with nobody else finding out about what you are doing.
    If you are thinking of seeing a counsellor and want to know more about having online sessions, get in touch and feel free to ask any questions you might have.


You can find me at:
UKCP Find-A-Therapist
BUPA Providers
Counselling Directory

With the exception of header and portrait photography, all texts, photography and other material ©2020 Stephen Weaver


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