Stephen Weaver Online Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision St Paul's, Blackfriars, City of London & Rye, East Sussex

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Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity




Gay/ Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity Issues. gay




  • GSRD issues
  • Self-esteem
  • Sexual diversity and identity
  • Homophobia
  • Coming out
  • Relationships and intimacy
  • Cheating and affairs
  • Out of Control Sexual Behaviour
  • Spiritual and religious conflicts
  • Family life
  • Growing older
  • Bereavement



The life journey of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people is not always an easy one.
I know for myself how helpful support can be from an affirmative counsellor with some understanding of the issues.

Sexual diversity counselling provides a confidential, non-judgemental and friendly space in which in which you can feel safe and secure when discussing gender and sexual diversity. I support a legal ban of conversion therapy and would prefer that therapy training institutions align with the Memoradum of Understanding against Conversion Therapy in the UK and comparative measures in other countries. I have worked extensively with sexual diversity clients, including five years as HIV/Gay Men's Sexual Health Counsellor at PACE.

I have a particular interest in helping  people to explore the role spirituality plays in their identity, especially if they have experienced a lack of understanding, whether from from organised religions or from society in general, in their quest for personal or spiritual growth.



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